James Henare Research Centre PhD Scholarships 2025
Whiria te tangata, ka puta te oranga
Whiria te mātauranga ka puta he tino rangatiratanga
By weaving people, promote well-being
By weaving knowledge, promote excellence
The James Henare Research Centre (JHRC) was established in 1992 and named in Sir James’s honour as an eminent Ngāti Hine leader and scholar who impressed upon the University of Auckland (UoA) the importance of honouring Te Tiriti obligations to tangata whenua. The JHRC has evolved into a leading UoA research centre prioritising equity and social justice for Te Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki hapori (communities).
The JHRC champions tikanga and mātauranga Māori and strives for excellence in all that we do. Our research programme pursues an agenda of social transformation through research practices that shift away from traditional extractive methods to transdisciplinary, co-designed, multi-sited ethnography, delivering maximum benefit to the communities with whom we work. We do this by designing research that strengthens our connections with local, national and international research bodies and building new transdisciplinary approaches that realise Māori aspirations.
The JHRC continually develops the capabilities of its core researchers, while mentoring and supporting the development of emerging Māori researchers through internships, postgraduate scholarships and community-based research opportunities.
The Scholarship Opportunity:
We have two PhD Scholarships to award in 2024. These scholarships will support our vision of delivering world leading transdisciplinary research grounded in flaxroots communities while developing and supporting the next generation of researchers for the betterment of Aotearoa.
As the JHRC is a transdisciplinary research centre, the scholarship may be awarded for full-time or part-time enrolment in any PhD course at the University of Auckland. Those who whakapapa to Te Tai Tokerau and/or iwi Māori, will be given priority.
Each scholarship awarded will be $33,825 per annum in 2024, with an annual CPI adjustment, paid a fortnightly stipend, plus compulsory fees for domestic students only. Refer to the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships webpage for more information, including application and enrolment dates.
Your supervisor’s endorsement of the proposed project is required on the application form. Students will also need to attend an interview as part of the selection process. Further information about the University of Auckland Doctoral Programme can be found here.
Your application will be assessed against the following criteria:
- The student must have a demonstrated capacity for excellence in scholarship;
- Proposals must describe how the project will engage with Māori, be of benefit to Māori communities and include the themes of Vision Mātauranga;
- We encourage research that includes community/external partners where relevant;
- Those who whakapapa to Te Tai Tokerau will be given priority;
- Special consideration will be taken into account for those who demonstrate alignment between the applicant’s research interests and those of the Centre. Please review the Centre’s webpage for current research projects.
How to Apply:
Students need to submit the application form below and include:
- Statement of Research Intent
- Relevant experience, achievements and interests
- Student’s CV
- Academic transcript
Note: The application form must be signed by your Supervisor.
Please click here to download the application
Send your completed application to Moana Oh, Poutaki Whakahaere Rangahau at m.oh@auckland.ac.nz